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Godfidence – Building Confidence That Lasts Forever

Have you ever wished you had more confidence? Life can be a hard task master at times and toxic relationships can really wear you down, including your self-esteem and confidence. We will explore where your value comes from, and who determines it. We will also look at how shame affects your identity and ultimately your confidence negatively. I will provide you with tools to build confidence that lasts forever.


Punching Shame in the Face

Has shame kept you from being content in life? For many people shame is a pervasive force that destroys self-worth and overrides or overshadows happiness and contentment. This is an emotional journey for those who have taken this course but I have been told over and over it is life changing. It is now available in video format so you can watch it in the privacy of your own home.


Understanding Anger

Are you tired of being angry all the time? Anger can cause a lot of damage in your relationships, in fact many people who experience anger; face lost relationships, lost jobs and careers and at times, lost freedom because they even get in trouble with authorities. This short course has been an awakening for many people I have taught it too. Now it is available by video in the privacy of your own home.


Relationship Matters

Based on my groundbreaking book Relationship Matters, this course is a powerful journey to relational healing. Relationships can bring the greatest joy in your life, however they can also bring the most pain. Many people don’t put a lot of thought into what it takes to build a healthy relationship. To build a healthy relationship you need a healthy relational culture in your home, extended family or any organizations you may be involved with. The best investment you can make is to work on the 5 pillars of your relational foundation; Trust, Communication, Authenticity, Honesty and Honour. This video series takes you on a journey to build those pillars into the fabric of how you relate to yourself and others. The process in the worksheets and the daily work uniquely sets you up for success!